
Airbrushing Vs. Regular Brushing for Miniatures and Models

What's better for painting miniatures, airbrushing or regular brushwork? - why paint with an airbrush for miniatures and models - regular brush blending versus airbrush

What’s better for painting miniatures, airbrushing or regular brushwork? The best answer for this question is that it depends on what you’re trying to do with your miniature painting project. Airbrushing is a powerful tool and adds other more technical options for miniature painters. For best results, regular brushing will always be useful for finishing

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Painting a 3D Printed Hydralisk Model for Display: 11 Fun Steps!

3D print and paint a starcraft hydralisk - 40k proxy for tyranid and other wargames

Are you wondering how to paint your 3D printed models? 3D printed miniatures look a lot better with a good paint job to bring out all those details. Painting 3D printed minis is the same process as painting other kit models and miniatures. But, there are a few places that require a little more thought

Painting a 3D Printed Hydralisk Model for Display: 11 Fun Steps! Read More »