Hobby Budget Tips

This section of our site is dedicated to the budgeting and side of your hobbies. Your hobbies don’t exist in a vacuum. If you’re like most people, your painting and gaming hobbies are a big part of your life, and that means they can have a big impact on your budget. If you’re interested in providing commission miniature painting services, I also share my experience with that aspect of the hobby, too.

Strategic Triage: Prioritizing Your Creative Concepts

Miniature painting is an intricate art that requires patience, focus, and attention to detail. As with any creative endeavor, it’s easy to get lost in the process and become overwhelmed by the sheer number of tasks that need to be completed. That’s where the concept of triage comes in. Triage is the practice of prioritizing

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The Silver Lining: How Inflation and a Bad Economy Can Fuel Your Creative Writing

How Inflation and a Bad Economy Can Fuel Your Creative Writing - creativity and art during hard economic times - banner image

I write a lot. Most of it is technical academic stuff for work. But, often I’ll pull up a blank page and draft a creative story or some essay on the state of the world—life. It’s something I enjoy doing and it helps me make sense of what’s going on internally in my head. Journaling

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Running a Successful Hobby Gaming Convention: The Hidden Magic and Mayhem Behind CaptainCon

CaptainCon is an annual 3-day gaming event taking place in Warwick, Rhode Island. It is held every year in early February (usually the first weekend) at the Crowne Plaza Convention Center. CaptainCon is a celebration of all things gaming, featuring board games, organized events, and more. Attendees can expect to have a great time playing

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Can You Make a Living Painting Miniatures Full Time?

Can You Make a Living Painting Miniatures Full Time? - How to paint miniatures as a business - banner header

So you want to turn your miniature painting hobby into “a real job”? Tabletop gaming has been around for centuries, but the advent of miniature painting has allowed for a greater level of immersion in these games. As long as people are gaming with miniatures, enjoying them in their various hobbies, there will always be

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Digital Threats Against Influencers and Online Businesses (Prevention Guide)

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Do you use social media or other digital venues to share your art and creative works? As an influencer, your online presence and reputation is valuable, so it’s important to take steps to protect yourself from malicious actors. We’ve grown wary of the huge number of intrusive digital threats ruling and have had to adapt

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Why Expensive Hobby Tools Suck (and Why We Need Them)

Why Expensive Hobby Tools Suck (and Why We Need Them) - are expensive tools worth it for painting miniatures - painting miniatures on a budget - banner

Ever balk at the idea of buying expensive hobby instruments? Premium quality paint brushes, costly airbrushes, and top-of-the-line acrylic paints all come with a hefty price tag that can make your wallet whimper. So why would any normal person want to spend so much money on what is essentially a bunch of plastic, dead animal

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Essential Tools and Supplies for Painting Miniatures and Models

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Are you a new miniature painter, or want to help another painter get started? At first glance, the sheer amount of stuff you think you need may be intimidating. But, I’m here to tell you that you don’t need much at all to start painting miniatures. In fact, I think you’ll only need three things:

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5 Reasons Miniature Painters Should Convert Their Miniatures into NFT Cryptocurrency

5 Reasons Miniature Painters Should Convert Their Miniatures into NFT Cryptocurrency – how to make money with your miniature paintings – cryptocurrency hobby – painting miniatures and non-fungible tokens – trading miniatures and models – hobby cash with cryptocurrency with miniatures - banner

Did you know you can convert your miniature painting into a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin? A non-fungible token (or NFT) is a unique unit of data on a digital ledger called a blockchain. As a miniature painter and artist, you can convert your miniature paintings into a unique NFT currency, a form of non-interchangeable digital creative

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