33 Reasons You Need To Take Photography, Seriously

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Photography is one of the best ways to express yourself and your thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Whether you are photographing something beautiful or shooting pictures for fun of whatever captures your interest–as long as it inspires you in some way–photography will give a creative outlet that can help make sense out of confusing emotions from time to time. Of course, there are so many reasons why photography is important to someone who likes to take photos as a hobby.

In this article, I share my list of reasons of why you should take photography seriously as a new hobby, or as part of another fun activity, e.g., miniature painting, tabletop wargaming, or other creative art.

33 Great Reasons for a Photography Hobby

Photography is a hobby that can be enjoyed for many reasons. Remember, you don’t need expensive things, like digital cameras or fancy studio equipment. A simple smartphone or budget point-and-shoot will work wonders with a good eye and mind toward what you want to capture in the world around you. Below you’ll find my reasons why taking up photography is a great hobby.

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Image by Dariusz Sankowski from Pixabay

1. You can make extra money by selling your photos online

You can make money with your photography hobby. Sure, if you’re trying to turn it into a business that may take a while and a lot of hard work. But, if you’re looking for a side gig, a good photographer is always in demand somewhere. I sell my tabletop wargaming photos on stock photo sites.

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Stock photos like these are in demand for many reasons. Whether it’s for websites or product pages, your photography can provide others with images they need.

If you are a portrait photographer, you can take photographs of family members or couples for some money. With time maybe you might notice that it is more rewarding than photography. You might also consider working as a second photographer (or assistant) to a professional photographer, e.g., for weddings and events. Photography is a way to gain experience in the art of photography as well as a bit of side cash.


2. Taking photos is a stress reliever

Get in a zone with your camera. Find the images in the places you visit. Create powerful photos without worrying about what the price is! Ignore the first reason (#1 money). Instead, see photography as an “adventure”, and a way of being encouraged and comforted.

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Photo by Andy Vu on Pexels.com

Capture your ideas in visuals that only you see. Take time to yourself with your camera. By going out for walks to photograph landscapes, you are exposed to fresh air which helps connect with nature. Photography is like any other hobby that helps you escape the daily grind.


3. You can use photography in other areas of life

For some people photography is their first step into public service careers or volunteer jobs where they are needed most in this world. Not only does taking pictures allow you to express yourself creatively and enjoyably, but if you are good enough at it then there will always be people who want your work!

4. You can combine photography with many other hobbies for big results

I love hiking and biking–both fantastic ways to get outdoors. I also enjoy painting miniatures and tabletop gaming. Photography helps me develop my hobbies in an entirely different way. This ability to blend it with other hobbies is one of the key aspects of photography that makes it so different from other things we can do.

33 Reasons You Need To Take Photography, Seriously - personal reasons for photography - why photography - hobby photography -- silhouette of two persons stargazing
Photo by Yuting Gao on Pexels.com

Photography is ideal for mixing with other hobbies because it doesn’t have physical boundaries. All you need is a camera, e.g., a smartphone or digital camera. If you are curious in astronomy, learn to take pictures of at night. It is a great foundation into videography and use the same camera for all of these subjects. With a low barrier of entry and so much variety when starting out, there’s no reason to hesitate.

5. Improve your fitness

I’ve always been interested in photography. I find it’s a great way to explore new places, meet people of different backgrounds all over the world, and create memories for my family that will last forever. The camera on your phone is more than enough if coupled with curiosity and creativity while exploring. Get moving with you camera. Find new places to photograph with your camera. Use your feet, bike, or whatever physical mobility option you choose. Get moving!

6. You can also bring in a lot of scientific thought

In photography, there are three key elements that one must control to capture the perfect shot: ISO, shutter speed and aperture. These are collectively known as “the exposure triangle.” The best way for a beginner photographer is to learn about these in order by taking photos of something stationary such as an object or pet. Once you have mastered how each affects image quality then it’s time go out and practice. “Rinsing and repeating” and “observation” are core principles of the scientific method.

33 Reasons You Need To Take Photography, Seriously - personal reasons for photography - why photography - hobby photography -burning dangerous dark exploration
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

7. Create art and tell a story

You can create art that is about your style and vision. Every person has a way of thinking, feeling and seeing the world around them; this is what makes you unique. Photography gives people an opportunity to make their own expression just like any other form of art such as painting or music does so do not be afraid to explore new ways in which photography affects us all differently based on our individual perspective–it may even change how we see the world!

33 Reasons You Need To Take Photography, Seriously - personal reasons for photography - why photography - hobby photography - crop person with book in sunlight
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

8. Take photos to document your life

Tell a story; your story. Take a photograph daily for a year to get a snapshot of life. Send pictures for your friends long distance friends so they know how things are going for their trip. Post the photos on social media unless you are interested in building a personal following. Have fun looking through your photos and reminding yourself what they did that year. What food did they make and what you did when. Share your pictures and video with people you are close with (or don’t).

9. You can document the world around you

There are so many pictures taken every minute that it can difficult to know which ones will make a difference. You never know when your picture may be the one you see in another person’s feed and change their life forever, or even more importantly, yours. The power of photography is immense and something we should all take seriously because our photographs have an impact on others whether they’re captured by us or not.

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Photo by MESSALA CIULLA on Pexels.com

The world would look very different if there was no camera lens capturing images with varying perspectives from around the globe but now everyone has this opportunity thanks to those brave enough to turn themselves into amateur photographers who jump at any chance for a once-in-a-lifetime photo op where seconds matter most!

10. Connect with your environment

Photography is a device that lets you explore your surroundings. Sometimes we just take for granted what’s in our cities, but I can personally say I’ve lived in this same general area most of my life and found it much more interesting when I go about taking photos.

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Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

When I’d go to the park with my camera, or start noticing small things about where i live that made it more interesting like colors at sunset or how different people interact depending on their age group. Suddenly, places around me became something worth exploring.

11. Your photos might make someone’s day

The act of photography can be a hobby, but it has the ability to mend people’s spirits and let them examine things from an entirely new angle. You might even find budding new photographers that began their journey from the inspiration you gave them with your images. As long as your passionate about what you do, there may be a time when your work helps someone else. And, it is also likely that someone else’s work inspired you in return!

12. There are many photographer communities to join

When you become a photographer, it opens up new doors to the photography community. You can attend events and learn from those who share your passion for taking pictures. If all that’s too much commitment, online communities are also available! Social media is a great way to meet like-minded people. Connecting with other photographers online or in person will allow you to learn from them and improve your skill set.

13. Great for making memories

Although many people are able to share photos of themselves or their experiences through social media, there is still a sense that we don’t know much about our past. With photography as the leading form of information gathering and dissemination in history, it’s no surprise that more previously unrecorded generations will be documented with every passing year. With the invention of photography, our memories are able to go back farther than ever before.

14. Photography skills can help you in other areas of life

The more photos you take the more creative and imaginative your work can get. If someone’s job has something to do with art, then studying techniques of photography might help them look at their own creations from different perspectives. Photography helps develop design ideas and improve performance in an artistic craft, like painting or sculpting. The hobby of taking photographs is great because it improves creativity and teaches valuable skills like composition, lighting, and color balance.

15. Photography will force you to be more curious

When you become a photographer, the sky’s the limit. As soon as I began to explore photography more thoroughly, my world opened up with opportunities and excitement. It was not enough for me just take pictures of people; but also landscapes and miniatures, and whatever took my fancy at any given moment in time!

16. It allows you to be creative

Being in the right spot at just the right time can produce a beautiful shot. As you grow as a photographer, your creativity will also be growing with it. Sure, there’s a technical component that you need to learn. But, just as a painter needs to control their paint brush, you’ll need to learn how to control you camera. Creativity doesn’t come quick. There’s always something to learn and struggle toward to make your ideas and vision come to life. Photos are merely the creative result of your hard work.

33 Reasons You Need To Take Photography, Seriously - personal reasons for photography - why photography - hobby photography -silhouette photo of man throw paper plane
Photo by Rakicevic Nenad on Pexels.com

17. It keeps you active

Having an activity to do while out can help to become more present and aware of your surroundings. Give yourself a mission when you’re out there besides photographing streets and birds. Getting your daily exercise won’t seem like such a chore with a photo challenge in front of you.

18. It can relieve stress

As a hobby, photography can relieve tension after long work days and provide an escape in between busy schedules. Photography has become my favorite way to relax on solo explorations around town. It’s been interesting seeing how much more I enjoy things when they’re captured through this lens rather than just enjoyed at face value without any thought given to it other than as something that is happening right now.

33 Reasons You Need To Take Photography, Seriously - personal reasons for photography - why photography - hobby photography -photo of person sitting on rock during sunset
Photo by Johannes Plenio on Pexels.com

Taking pictures forces me to slow down and focus solely on what makes for good images. Whether they are vibrant sunsets, close-ups of leaves in early fall changing colors, capturing old buildings from different angles during daytime vs night time hours. It’s all relaxing…

19. Encourages travel to new places

I use my photography to explore the beauty of both new and old places. I’ve found a genuine desire for travel through this hobby, as it has taken me across many continents on flights that have opened up entire worlds to me. It’s always been something special about seeing these different cultures with fresh eyes and an artistic perspective; there could be no better motivator than someone who loves exploring every aspect of life just by turning their lens in their direction.

20. There is a lot to learn

There are many ways to gain more knowledge about photography. While it seems even after becoming pro, one can never stop learning about the art of photography. The learning curve empowers me as well. With each milestone, I learn that there’s always something else to reach for. But, at the same time, I know from history that with time and practice (lots of practice), I’m certain to get there. There’s a lot to learn and that’s a great thing!

21. It’s accessible no matter your budget

You don’t have to spend a fortune on camera gear. With something as low-cost and basic like the point and shoot, or your smartphone, you can get started with photography right away! With good light, there is almost no difference in the image quality of photos posted on websites or social media, between a modern smartphone and a mid-tier digital camera.

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Photo by Marx Ilagan on Pexels.com

Some people think that starting out in electronic gadgets means buying an expensive piece of equipment from day one, but this just isn’t true! Some of our favorite cameras are at the bargain end of their respective ranges – much cheaper than some companies’ top models. You can take photos on pretty much any budget!

22. It’s accessible to virtually anyone

One of the most interesting things about photography is how accessible it has become to people from all walks of life. Retired folks, young kids and disabled individuals are among those who find photojournalism both fascinating and inspiring. The impact that photos have on bringing us together in a world so divided can never be overstated – especially during these times where we need each other more than ever before!

23. You can connect with a whole world of new people

The internet is a virtual hub of photography groups and pages. These are the modern day equivalents to old fashioned camera clubs, but with better accessibility for those who want to explore their creativity or share their work online.More social media savvy photographers can also be found on Instagram. You find tips from professional photographers about everything from how to structure your image compositions effectively or using macro lenses in miniature photography.

24. Photography will teach you how to see potential in seemingly insignificant situations

Photography is the art of seeing potential in seemingly insignificant moments. It’s important to look for hidden details, and capture what others may not see. Photography has an emotional impact on viewers when it infuses meaning into everyday things. Photography will teach you how to find the thrilling story in everyday places that seem so ordinary at first glance.

33 Reasons You Need To Take Photography, Seriously - personal reasons for photography - why photography - hobby photography -shallow focus photography of brown mushrooms
Photo by Johannes Plenio on Pexels.com

25. You can express yourself in new ways

Photographing challenges you. It is a hobby that can be both easy and satisfying when you get the perfect shot. Macro photography, for example, reveals a subject in new and engaging ways. It takes you and your viewers to a different level, literally. Whether you’re expressing an idea in miniature, or other viewpoint, your captured image can often tell a story about yourself that you never knew either.

26. It’s safe

Both physically and emotionally, photography as a hobby is safe. You are free to engage with whatever subject you choose. Share your images however, whenever you want to. Of course, don’t put yourself or others in harm’s way trying to get that perfect shot. Ultimately, photography is a hobby that doesn’t require putting your life and mental health at risk.

27. You will be a lifelong photographer student

You will always find something new to learn about the field of photography. It is a never-ending journey and being a lifelong photographer means not taking tests for the rest of my life. There will always be things that motivate you, which are constantly leading your way into endless possibilities in this world as an experienced photographer who’s willing to improve from time to time with every challenging thing they face on their path towards perfection!

28. It’s a good challenge

Photography can be quite an adventure. Can be difficult to learn how to efficiently pose people if you want to do portraits. It may be tough to understand what light is best for miniature photography. A lot of climbs must have a lot of challenges. But winning a game feels good every time. No competition is for nothing! Photography has many rewards. I found it quite satisfying!!

29. Your camera will be your companion for life

Photography as hobby is an opportunity to document all the parts of your trip whether it is tiny or big. Drawing or painting can also be great things for expressing yourself. Photography is easily the most effective way to document something important. As soon as your camera is with you wherever you go it is your companion for life. Photography is a great way to document your journey.

30. It exercises your brain

Photography is an amazing hobby because it exercises your mind and keeps your body healthy. It is a creative, well-rounded activity that can satisfy you both physically and mentally. Not only does it exercise your brain but it also sharpens your vision, your imagination. For you to improve your photography skills, there are two things you have to do: practice and play. Using your mind for certain activities, strengthens it, just as you muscles grow with physical activity.

31. You can do it anywhere

One of the great things about cameras is that they are portable. This means you can take them with you to any place and capture life as it happens, from your driver’s seat in a car, a studio at home, or at a remote location by drone. All this without having special talents like physical ability or access for taking photos in the unique locations, such as in a stadium or at a rock concert. This hobby will give you the chance to travel without having to use any money from your hobby budget.

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Photo by Sebastian Voortman on Pexels.com

32. It’s instant gratification

One of the best reasons why photography is great as a hobby is that you will instantly feel the gratification of taking a good picture. I find that this instant gratification from a good photograph helps me keep practicing and improving my photography skills.

33. It’s fun!

A final reason why you need to take your photography seriously is because it’s a lot of fun. Photography requires a lot of creativity, and while this can be challenging at times, it can also be really rewarding.


These are just a few of the many reasons why you might want to take up photography as your hobby. Whether it’s for fun or professionally, there are plenty of benefits that come with taking photography seriously.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the technical aspects involved in taking good photos, don’t worry! Start simple and enjoy capturing images. Look inspiration from other photographers, or go outside and find places that you think would make a great scene. And don’t forget, you can always learn more about photography by reading our articles or browsing online forums.

Thanks for reading! If you liked my article and want to see more from me in the future, leave a comment!

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