
Finding The Way Through the Maze: Keeping Momentum in Miniature Painting Projects

Banner image for blog post titled 'Finding the Way Through the Maze: Art, Life' showing a painter at a canvas with miniatures in the foreground

Have you ever lost your way in a miniature painting project, unsure of what color or method to use to finish the job? This often happens when I start a new project or when you’re trying out a new technique. It’s emotionally taxing and drains you of motivation if you don’t have the right attitude. […]

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Do You Paint Miniatures at Night or Day? What’s Better?

Night or day time miniature painting, what is better feature banner image

I’ve found that I’m more creative when painting miniatures at night because I can go into a trance-like state. Painting miniatures in the daytime is draining and it seems like my brain is too busy to focus on any one thing, but it’s amazingly captivating at night. It’s quiet and the light is soft, but

Do You Paint Miniatures at Night or Day? What’s Better? Read More »

What is “Learned Helplessness”? Insights for Artists

As a miniature painter, have you ever found yourself feeling stuck, unmotivated, or doubting your abilities? These feelings may be the result of learned helplessness, a psychological phenomenon that can impact even the most skilled and experienced artists. In this article, I explore the concept of learned helplessness, its prevalence in miniature painting, and its

What is “Learned Helplessness”? Insights for Artists Read More »

Painter’s Delight: Organization Tips for a Less Stressful Miniature Hobby

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Did you know that a messy desk can increase stress and make hobby work more difficult? Of course, you did. An organized miniature painting workspace helps you enjoy enjoy the process of painting. Let’s take a look at why you should be organizing your miniature hobby supplies, and why it will improve your miniature painting

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The Joy of Miniature Painting: Inspiration by Bob Ross

Boss Ross inspiration for painting miniatures - Lessons for miniature painting - Finding inspiration for painting miniatures and models - Tips for miniature painting - miniature painting tips for new painters - Boss Ross Joy of Painting

Are you looking for inspiration for painting miniatures? Motivation for new miniature painters comes from different places. If you dig around the internet, you’ll find a ton of miniature painting tips and techniques. But, what may be harder to discover is the “spark”, the inspiration for painting your miniatures and models. In this article, Thor

The Joy of Miniature Painting: Inspiration by Bob Ross Read More »