
Miniature photography and the art of capturing light at fine scale: Discover techniques to improve your camera skills, and find ways to leverage your camera (or smartphone) so you can document the progress of your work. Find tips and tutorials for beginners and advanced photographers alike!

11 Great Tips for Awesome Night Photography

Night time photography is a great way to create art when most photographers call it quits. Finding picturesque beauty by shooting photos at night time is a huge personal reward. You discover things that only your camera can “see”, as…

Gregory Culley: Grimdark Photography Methods and Madness

Are you a miniature painter in need of some creativity? Then look no further than photography, an art form that uses light as the primary medium. Taking photos is about more than just the technical components; it’s about expressing yourself…

5 Best LED Ring Lights for Miniature Photography (Review)

Do you need better lights for your miniature photography? Miniature photography is more challenging than normal day-to-day picture taking. If you’re struggling to take better photos of your miniatures, then it’s likely you have all you need right in front…

Overcoming Fear as a Miniature Stock Photographer

Wondering if stock photography is for you, but afraid to take the plunge? You’re not alone. Many photographers feel the same way, but with a few tips and tricks, you can soon overcome your fears and be on your way…


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